"Out of the furnace" (film) is the kind of film that comes across as all too real to the audience. Imagine putting a lens around a certain period of time of a group of characters who are tied together by family bonds, love, and old debts. The main character Russell Baze (Christian Bale) comes across as a man who is bound by honoring those ties. I enjoyed the film because family bonds, love , and old debts are concepts that I think everybody can appreciate and relate to. The film is very honest in portraying the flaws of its characters, which makes the movie all the more believable and plausible. But I do think that because of how real the film was, it does cone across as gloomy. I reccomend that you go see it once. Probably not worth being given as a gift, or watching again though, unless you feel like getting bummed out. You will enjoy having watched this film because it makes you relate to the characters and it reminds you that their is real people out there that go through real life problems just like you do. Some people say that this movie is some what in the Oscar category, but given the films that are out, and that are coming out this Oscar season. I would have to disagree. It was a good movie...but best picture worthy or best actor worthy...I don't think so.