2013 está casi desaparecido, y el 2014 está a sólo unas pocas horas de distancia. Toma un segundo para recordar a todos y cada uno de los seres queridos que hemos perdido este año en el 2013, y hay que llevar esperanza de que Dios dejara que ellos continúan su camino, celebrando el 2014 en el cielo. Nuestro camino en la tierra es muy breve, pero cada vida que pasa por aquí por lo corto que sea o por lo largo tiempo que sea, deja un impacto muy fuerte a través de los corazones de muchos, y ese impactó que dejan puede durar por generaciones. Vamos a poner nuestra fe en Dios, que un día con su bendición. Vamos a ver a los que se nos fueron otra vez, vamos a sonreír con ellos de nuevo, los vamos a abrazar de nuevo, vamos a reír de nuevo, y nos uniremos a ellos, en su viaje en una celebración en el cielo que Dios bendice para los fieles a su nombre. Esta noche vamos a elevar una oración al Señor y vamos a decir gracias por un año más de vida ...
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Tuesday, December 31, 2013
2013 End of the year message. By Cesar Reyes Torres
2013 is just about gone, and 2014 is just a few hours away. Take a second to remember everyone and anyone that we’ve lost this year in 2013, and hope that God is letting them continue their journey and celebrating 2014 from up in heaven. Our journey on earth is very brief, but each life that passes through here regardless of how short or how long, leaves a shock wave across the hearts of many that can last through generations. Lets put our faith in God, that one day with his blessing. We will see them again, we will smile with them again, we will hug them again, we will laugh again, and we will join them on their journey in a celebration up in heaven that God provides for the faithful. Tonight let’s raise a prayer to the Lord and let’s just say thank you for one more year of life…
Monday, December 30, 2013
Why God put us here. By Cesar Reyes Torres
Life is more than just working, paying bills, and buying stuff with whatever is left. The older you get, you realize this more and more, but the sooner you realize it the better off you'll be.
God put us here to love one another as he loved us. He sent his one and only son to die for our sins. And it is my opinion and belief that maybe God did so as a way of saying to humanity "I will give up my only son, so that you all may have a chance at eternal life here in heaven, but this is your one and only shot to get into heaven, only through my son will you be able to enjoy eternal life". And so his son came, walked amongst men, he taught us the word of his father, which is to love one another, and help one another, and that service to our holy father was the greatest honor that you could ever have, and that in doing so, you would not only be helping yourself but you'd be helping others. That it does not matter the size of your faith, so long as it is true and real.