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Thursday, September 22, 2011

I got too many things on my plate. By Cesar Reyes

 I got friendships that were not meant to last
I got feelings of love I wish were left in my past
I got compliments from people who say my poems are good
I got insults from people who hate them and say at least I did the best that I could
 I got enemies out there who want me dead
 I got regrets in my heart for things I wish Id never said
I got the urge to want to drink my problems away with a bottle of Hennessy
I got actual friends that are friends with my enemies
I got fears and aggravations that I’ve never defeated
I got milestones and goals that I’ve never reached or completed
 I got a hard time being happy cuss I’m not familiar with cheer
 I got a hit list of enemies who I want to make disappear
I got to learn how to not fall in love
I got only one chance to make it into the golden gate up above
I got so cold one time I literally felt it down to my bones
I got a feeling, I’m a end up drunk and alone
I got to keep my enemies a lot closer than my friends
I got to worry less about how things start and control how they end
I got a memory of me smiling , but then again It might have all been a dream
I got only one best friend , but then again , nothing is ever what it seems
I got a tear that just refuses to fall off of my eye
I got a bad reputation with people, but in reality im a really nice guy
I got caught up one time in my own lie
I got to try to buy a fake ID and see if there's a new life I can buy

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