2013 está casi desaparecido, y el 2014 está a sólo unas pocas horas de distancia. Toma un segundo para recordar a todos y cada uno de los seres queridos que hemos perdido este año en el 2013, y hay que llevar esperanza de que Dios dejara que ellos continúan su camino, celebrando el 2014 en el cielo. Nuestro camino en la tierra es muy breve, pero cada vida que pasa por aquí por lo corto que sea o por lo largo tiempo que sea, deja un impacto muy fuerte a través de los corazones de muchos, y ese impactó que dejan puede durar por generaciones. Vamos a poner nuestra fe en Dios, que un día con su bendición. Vamos a ver a los que se nos fueron otra vez, vamos a sonreír con ellos de nuevo, los vamos a abrazar de nuevo, vamos a reír de nuevo, y nos uniremos a ellos, en su viaje en una celebración en el cielo que Dios bendice para los fieles a su nombre. Esta noche vamos a elevar una oración al Señor y vamos a decir gracias por un año más de vida ...
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Tuesday, December 31, 2013
2013 End of the year message. By Cesar Reyes Torres
2013 is just about gone, and 2014 is just a few hours away. Take a second to remember everyone and anyone that we’ve lost this year in 2013, and hope that God is letting them continue their journey and celebrating 2014 from up in heaven. Our journey on earth is very brief, but each life that passes through here regardless of how short or how long, leaves a shock wave across the hearts of many that can last through generations. Lets put our faith in God, that one day with his blessing. We will see them again, we will smile with them again, we will hug them again, we will laugh again, and we will join them on their journey in a celebration up in heaven that God provides for the faithful. Tonight let’s raise a prayer to the Lord and let’s just say thank you for one more year of life…
Monday, December 30, 2013
Why God put us here. By Cesar Reyes Torres
Life is more than just working, paying bills, and buying stuff with whatever is left. The older you get, you realize this more and more, but the sooner you realize it the better off you'll be.
God put us here to love one another as he loved us. He sent his one and only son to die for our sins. And it is my opinion and belief that maybe God did so as a way of saying to humanity "I will give up my only son, so that you all may have a chance at eternal life here in heaven, but this is your one and only shot to get into heaven, only through my son will you be able to enjoy eternal life". And so his son came, walked amongst men, he taught us the word of his father, which is to love one another, and help one another, and that service to our holy father was the greatest honor that you could ever have, and that in doing so, you would not only be helping yourself but you'd be helping others. That it does not matter the size of your faith, so long as it is true and real.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Out of the Furnace (film critique) By Cesar Reyes Torres
Friday, November 22, 2013
Quiet and Still with God on my Mind. By Cesar Reyes Torres
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Dallas Buyers Club (film critique) By Cesar Reyes Torres
Monday, November 4, 2013
All Is Lost (film critique) By. Cesar Reyes Torres
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Captain Phillips (film critique ) By: Cesar Reyes Torres
Friday, October 4, 2013
Gravity (film critique) By Cesar Reyes Torres
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Jazzmize Walsh Investigation. LBPD Crime Stories
Monday, August 19, 2013
Who Am I? By Cesar Reyes Torres
In life people will judge you, marginalize you, and downright think very little of you sometimes. Many people do this for many different reasons but the most common one is to simply hold some leverage over you and be able to look down on you and downgrade their opinion of you. If you show sentiment people can downgrade you as being weak and downgrade your strengths. Express emotion and people will downgrade you as unstable, or even go as far as to say that you need therapy. Unless you’re able to fuck every girl you see every other week, your manhood comes into question and you’re downgraded as a faggot. If a woman pursues a guy she’s downgraded as desperate. If you are at peace with the station that you have found in life you can be labeled a coward, for lacking the courage to take on bigger challenges. If you take on bigger challenges people can call you ungrateful of what you have, and dismiss you as a greedy person. I can go on, but the overall point is that people will label and downgrade you. It’s not a matter of you letting them or not letting them, it’s a matter of whether or not you wear the label that they throw in front of you.
Know who you are in the eyes of God and nobody will EVER EVER be able to downgrade you to anything less than what God created. You are the most beautiful of Gods creations. God provides the Sun and the rest of the stars, the ocean and the rain, the food that we grow and the flowers that bloom, but far more beautiful than any of those creations is the one that you see in the mirror.
To say that God loves you is commonly heard and said. And although this is true, it is by no means an invitation or motivation to say to yourself or those around you, “Well I don’t give a shit what you think about me, or anybody thinks about me, because God loves me and that’s all that matters.” Yes, God does love you. But love cannot be used as a tool or privilege to marginalize or downgrade anybody’s thoughts. Because then you are doing the very thing that you didn’t want people doing to you.
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres “ 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
It is in the realization that God loves you, and that he has never created anything as beautiful as you, will never duplicate you, will never forget you, will never abandon you, will never love you less, will never sideline you, will never downgrade you, that you will find purpose and perspective in life . And it is in that purpose and perspective that you will find confidence, Joy, and compassion for others. And it is in that confidence, Joy, and compassion that you will find strength. And it is in that strength that any negative labels that others may want to pin on you will not stick to you as far as you are concerned. And while any and all opinions of you can be respected as much as all of God’s creatures should be respected, nobody knows you as clearly and perfectly as God does, he knows your past in detail, as well as your future, he knows your past going back generations as well as your future, through the moments you take your last breath on earth. And it is in knowing this truth that nobody will ever make you feel less than what you know you are. And when you ask yourself that question, "Who am I?" you will be able to answer your self, who you truly are. God most beautiful creation.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Blue Jasmine (film critique). By Cesar Reyes Torres
Friday, August 9, 2013
Materialism in life. By Cesar Reyes Torres
Monday, July 1, 2013
Top 10 sitcoms of all time .By Cesar Reyes Torres
Monday, June 24, 2013
Subway: Stories from behind the counter(Part 6)What goes around comesaround. By Cesar Reyes Torres
Friday, June 21, 2013
World War Z (film critique). By Cesar Reyes Torres
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
A Way Forward. By Cesar Reyes Torres
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
This is the End (Film Critique) By Cesar Reyes Torres
Friday, June 7, 2013
Subway: Stories from behind the counter(Part 5) The friends you don'texpect to make. By Cesar Reyes Torres
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Just Passing Thru. By Cesar Reyes Torres
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Before Midnight (Film Critique) By Cesar Reyes Torres
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
God is that feeling inside. By Cesar Reyes Torres
Monday, April 29, 2013
Faith. By Cesar Reyes Torres
Monday, April 22, 2013
Facebook life is Wonderful? By Cesar Reyes Torres
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Monday, April 8, 2013
You don't need to have enemies .By Cesar Reyes Torres
I detest the saying “ I can be your best friend or your worst enemy”….Not everyone in the world is meant to be your friend, but that doesn't mean they should be your enemy.Why anybody would be comfortable having an enemy, doesn’t make sense. In life you will have people who you consider friends, and there may come a time when you don’t see eye to eye. If your fortunate enough, you can just get beyond those disagreements, and still be friends. But if not, your always better off just gently and slowly cutting that person out of your life and going your separate ways. And if it was someone who you were never friends with in the first place, your better off not wasting any energy on hating them. Hate can consume your heart, and it is not confined to one section of your life. Hate is a virus, and once you have it, it can and will do as viruses do and spread to other areas of your life. When someone is sick, you can tell, and people even ask them about it. And if hate consumes your heart, people can tell and it shows. As humans, we will get sick from time to time, and feel anger. But like with any disease, hate has a cure. In the matter of the disease called Hate, love is the cure. Its hard to love the people that piss you off. But just remember that you don’t know the details of their life, and you don’t know what kind of things they are going through in their mind, you don’t know their thoughts, and you can’t read their heart. Being able to forgive and letting go of any hate that you feel is a blessing if it comes from the heart. Hate is not a source of strength or a motivating factor to do anything positive in life. But a person whose heart is consumed by love will stand out.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.For we know in partand we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes,what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
And now these three remain: faith, hope & love. But the greatest of these is love.
-1 Corinthians 13:4-13
All I am simply stating is that if you cannot bring yourself to love someone,life is too short to waste your time hating them
Friday, April 5, 2013
Jesús in a Hot Air Ballon. By Cesar Reyes Torres
My answer: I don't know to be honest, but it continues to be my belief that if it comes down to the last string ,Jesus will be the one holding the scissors and he won't let me fall
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
My Journey to God(Part 5 of 5) Walking with The Lord. By Cesar Reyes Torres
Australopithecus , and Neanderthals. I know about geology, erosion, the movement of tectonic plates and transformation of the continents over time. I know about the ice age, the Jurassic age, the Palaeozoic age. I am aware that there are different people all around the world, with different religions. I know that historically, humanity has worshiped a very large array of Gods. I know that Atheist think that people who believe in God are crazy, stupid, weak minded, or all three.
So now that you know what I am aware of I can say the following. I am a proud catholic man, and I walk with the lord. Now if you ask other people what that means, they may tell you a variation of different answers. Some may make sense to you, others may seem irrational, and some things people say about God may just make you wanna stay away from faith all together. For now I can only speak on my relationship with God and how I know he is always there.
I can easily go about telling you that since the day I have let Jesus in my life, that everything has been great and that the dark clouds that surrounded me have dissolved and that I am now surrounded by rainbows and flying doves around me. But that’s not necessarily an accurate interpretation of where my life is. Since the day I decided that I was gonna let God in my life and I was going to walk with lord, I have lost an uncle, which was my mother’s brother, a good friend of mine lost his daughter, and months ago my sister died in a car accident along with her husband who was my brother in law who also lost his life, they left behind two children. I went back to school but ended up flunking a few classes, and I gave up all together on others, my car continues to have trouble, and there are days when I am just waiting for it to not start all together and that I’ll be left stranded somewhere. My cousin who I love like a brother lost his job. I have a sister who is sick and is battling for her life. I have a injured ankle that hurts, and there are days when I limp to my apartment really tired.
Before I accepted and opened up my heart to God. All of these things would have broken me in half. I would have reacted very stupidly, impulsively, impatiently, and I would have quivered up into a little ball in a corner somewhere. I would have resorted back to dependencies that I had on people, and on things that were not related to God. But my faith kept me strong, my faith let me say farewell to those that have left this world and trust that God is taking care of them now, and someday God willing we will all meet up again in heaven, and I will hug them again, we will laugh together again, we will smile again, and we will be reunited again. But until then I will do as God asks of me here on earth so that I can go to where I know they are now. I know that failure in life will only last as long as you stop trying, that I make mistakes, but I believe in the forgiveness of sins, and I believe God opened up a door for me to make things right in my life, and make amends for all of the things that I’ve done wrong. And just like my school transcript shows the classes that I failed at, and the lessons that I did not learn, but that I retook and passed those classes and learned those lessons. My spiritual transcript will show my failings in life, the sins that I committed, but also what I did after that and where I took my life from. The material things in life will all be gone some day, and some day everything will become dust again, so those material possessions must never be allowed to be the primary concern in my life, cars do not have a soul, and phones do not have a soul. The woes of those people closest to you, are neither punishment nor judgment on their lives and more than anything are circumstances that befall all of Gods children, and even in the echo of silence when the wind whispers across your neck, God hears all of your prayers, and even when people think God has abandoned them he is always watching very closely and he works in mysterious ways, and you must have faith that he will provide what you need, no more and no less.
That it is always going to be in humanities nature to want to know everything at all times, immediately. But just like the little waves that surround a ship, eventually every little thing that you put between yourself and God can and will eventually become an ocean, until the point where you’re so far away that you feel like your drowning and the only thing you have around you are little waves that cannot save you, but the Lord can walk on water and if you put your trust and faith in him and take the hand that he has offered you, he can save you as long as you know that a walk with the Lord is not for a little while, it is for the rest of your life.
But even after you are saved and you can smile and celebrate your life because you walk with him. You must remember that your faith can and will be tested again and again and again. But during that test you may have a moment of doubt, but staying close to God can and will always renew you:
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort.. –Psalm 23:4
And even though there may be moments of pain when you feel like your life is suffering, you must remember that
In this you rejoice, although now for a little while you may have to suffer through various trials so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold that is perishable even though tested by fire, may prove to be for praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1Peter 1:6-7
And that there is no shortage of people who will want to provoke you,
But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. Matthew 5:39
And when people insult you because of your faith, remember that
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matthew 5:11-12
I have learned that perfection is a thorn that will be a pain at your side if you choose to make it your neighbour
When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.- John 8:7
These are the lessons that I learned. God saw fit when and how I was going to learn these lessons. I have faith that he has more things he wants to teach me and tasks that he wants me to do in his name. I pray that I always walk with him, and that I always remain his humble, and loyal student. I pray that I never lose sight of the path that he laid forward for me, or that I forget the pit from where he pulled me out of. I give him thanks for truly letting me live again. For surrounding me with many of his kind and friendly students, and that even though there may come a time in our paths where God may take all of us in separate ways, our hearts will always stay united in our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
Thank you to everyone who took a minute to look at my Journey to God
Monday, March 25, 2013
Subway: Stories from behind the counter(part 2) The End of an Era .By Cesar Reyes Torres
Everything changed when in August of 2003, the owner who had owned the majority of the stores in Downtown Long Beach was forced to sell the stores. Although Subway is owned through a series of franchises, it is still a part of a corporation. As part of that corporation, if they feel that you are not running the stores to the best of their ability, then they can make you sell your stores to different management. The owner at the time was a class act. He was one of the nicest bosses you could ever ask for. He treated us all with respect, and his employees saw him like family. He had employees that had been with him 5 and 15 years. He paid better than most other franchise owners, and he always encouraged us to go to school and do something with our lives. He even gave us gift cards during Christmas, which is something that not a lot of bosses do. But corporations are cold blooded machines and they are not people. The bottom line was money, and how much they can get there hands on. The stores that he owned in Downtown Long Beach failed 3 consecutive Subway inspection reports. They failed the store for things like employees not having their shirt tucked in. Employees not following proper portion amounts on sandwiches, or not practicing the Subway 3 second rule, which says that every customer at all times must be greeted within the first 3 seconds of walking into a store by a Subway employee. When he announced the stores were being sold, many employees cried. Subway was more than a job to us; those stores were like a home away from home for us. We grew up there, our best friends were there, family members all worked there, and we felt safe there. Even when people left, they still came back and were greeted well by all of us.
The owner called a staff meeting of all 3 stores in the Downtown Long Beach area. He announced that we would be transitioning into new ownership. That's when we were first introduced to the new owners, Ritu and Rahul Marwah. A brother and sister that were educated in business, and who were being groomed by there parents to take over their existing 10 Subway franchises that they already currently owned. As part of that process they bought the 3 Downtown Long Beach stores to try to squeeze the most money that they could out of them.
To me the take over by new ownership represented the death of something I use to believe in. Which was the idea that you could run a business, and treat your employees with respect and dignity, and you could still make a profit because your employees would work hard because they appreciated the care that you show them. But the mentality of the new owners was basically the opposite. There mentality was fuck the employees! It's a fucken sandwich, and if you won't be here to make it, I'll find someone else to do it. And they'll do it for a lot less.
They tried to be polite and nice about everything, but from day 1 we knew we were not going to get along. They kept all of the hourly employees at the same pay rate, but the managers all got there pay cut from where they were to what the new owners called the industry standard of 9.00 an hour. All of the managers were making between 11 and 12 dollars an hour which was above the industry standard in 2003. In 2003 gas was still below 2.00 an hour. So making 11 to 12 an hour meant you were not doing badly at all. The thing that affected the regular employees the most was that we were no longer going to be receiving a free foot long sub. We could get a 50 % discount on a 6inch if we chose to eat inside. And on 3 to 6 foot party subs we would get a 10 % discount if we wanted it. Police officers were no longer going to be eating for free either. Upon learning that the stores would be sold, the regional manager immediately resigned. We were introduced to our new regional manager Patty. She was a puppet for the owners parents, and was being lent out to there kids.
The problem with Patty being a regional manager was that Patty didn't know how to manage shit. Her primary job as regional manager was to hire people who could make a sandwich and who would complain the least about the circumstances that they had to work under. But she had a semi friendly face, and the employees kind of liked her to a certain extent. The thing was that she was a snitch and anything you told her eventually got to the owners. She was bought and sold for many years ago. She had been with them for 15 years, and she was someone who they trusted. Never mind that she had crappy English speaking skills, poor people skills, and was a bad judge of character. She was their loyal snitch, and she was now in charge of all three Downtown Long Beach stores.
Four days later every single one of the downtown store managers quit. And two days after that all three stores had new managers already. That just goes to show you the care that they took in there manager search, and the quality of people that they found. The new managers name was Jolene. She had green teeth, and no I'm not trying to insult her or make fun of her teeth. She literally had teeth that were the green and black with yellow and white spots around them. She was a tall, pale, skinny white girl, who probably weighed no more than a 100 pounds. I found out that she was what people called a tweeker. I didn't know what the term meant at the time, but I later found out that it essentially was someone who had a really bad crystal meth addiction, along with others drugs.
It only took a month, but eventually all but three of the employees that worked for the previous owner had left. One of the ones that were left was promoted to manager, the other was just a regular employee, and the third one was me. It's a trip how much life can change in a month and how you adjust to all of it. It went from working with my best friends, to working with....
To be continued
Open up you heart to God. By Cesar Reyes Torres
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Friday, March 22, 2013
Subway: Stories from behind the counter.By Cesar Reyes Torres
If anyone ever said anything, it was pretty much your words against there's. nothing would probably become of the problem, and you would essentially be branded as a snitch. Nobody would be able to trust you, nobody would eat with you, you would probably have your request for days off denied, your hours would get cut, people started complaining you didn't work hard enough, and any friend you thought you had, had to essentially choose between loyalties. The question was very simple, Can I afford to piss off the person who is writing my schedule for the week? The answer was, no they couldn't. Eventually anybody who ever thought of opening there mouth about anything the manager was doing wrong just ended up quitting.
These were what I liked to call the Golden years of subway in downtown Long Beach. That sounds weird to say, but at the time my job was pretty good. I worked with good friends every day, I ate for free, we were close to the theatre so we could all go to the movies after wards. I got along with everyone in the store, the stores were making money, everybody who worked there was either related to someone, or was a close friend, the cops were on our side, and to top it all off I thought I was making good money, a whole 7.50 an hour.
The only downside was that a lot of the girls were dating hardcore gang members, who were not good people to say the least. And I base that off of the bruises that some if these girls showed up with on there face and body, the fact that in the coming years many if not all of them got locked up for 30 years to life. But at the time I only looked at the silver lining which was that I didn't have to fear any gang member in my neighbourhood, because their gang member boyfriends never saw me as a threat to them or their girlfriends, and I got the feeling that they trusted me and they generally left me alone in the gang infested neighbourhood that I lived on. I also didn't have to worry too much about the cops that were patrolling either. Not that I had a reason to fear the police, but generally speaking, I knew they would never harass me or ever probably question me on anything. This was the place that I grew up in since I was 14, so it became a second home for me. But that would change when...
To be continued
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Moonrise Over Long Beach(Photo). By Cesar Reyes Torres

Saturday, March 9, 2013
Religulous Movie (film critique) By. Cesar Reyes Torres
Thursday, March 7, 2013
You say you love me but...By Cesar Reyes Torres
Do what God asks of you. By Cesar Reyes Torres
Trying to make it without God. By Cesar Reyes Torres
Your Relationship with God. By Cesar Reyes Torres
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
How to let go. By Cesar Reyes Torres
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Tratare de cambiar. By Cesar Reyes Torres
Tratare de ser mejor amigo
Tratare de ser mejor hermano
Tratare de ser mejor hijo
Y cuando otros necesiten ayuda
tratare de echarles una mano
Tratare de ser mejor mensajero de Dios
Tratare de ser mejor seguidor de Cristo
Tratare de hablar con mas cariño en mi voz
Y cuando mire a almas perdidas les diré
que no hay problema que tengan que Dios no visto
Tratare de ser el primero para perdonar
Tratare de tener mas fe
Tratare mas y mas de no ofender ni pecar
Y cuando mi alma este en necesidad de agua
tratare que Cristo sea la fuente que quite mi sed.
10 Annoying People or Things that should go away
2. Guys who walk around completely naked in the locker room
3. Anybody who still has spinners on there car
4. Freeloaders
5. People who still think Tupac is alive
6. Door Greeters at retail stores
7. Places that don't take debit cards
8. People who text other people while your talking to them
9. Stop signs on the sides of school buses
10. Places where the parking is almost as much as admission
Faith is like Lifting Weights. By Cesar Reyes Torres
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Good Advice. By Cesar Reyes Torres
I think it helps to wake up every day and see life like a journey
Instead of something you gotta get through
To look forward to breathing in that days first breath of fresh air
Instead of worrying so much about the next place you gotta get to
I find it hepful if you smile at least once a day
or if your fortunate enough to have somethin to laugh about
to have people around you to laugh with
or have someone whose smile you can smile without
I find it helpful if in tough times you have a friend
Just a shoulder to lean on, who takes your secrets and hides them
They dont need to be your best friend
As long as there someone you can trust and can confide in
I find it helpful if you do things with pride
and when you look back i think youll be happier with your life
i think youllbe happier with your accomplishments
and there wont be anything you want to hide
Monday, February 25, 2013
Para Los que se nos fueron by Cesar Reyes Torres
Pues ya no estan aquí
Ya se fueron para ya
Aunque los queremos mas cerca
En mejor camino han de andar
Esta vida no es eterna
Ni Cristo sabe cuando todo se valla terminar
Pero el que mantenga su fe en dios
En su reino eterno va poder entrar
Duele mucho la despedida
Y sabe Dios cuando los vuelvamos a ver
Para Cristo cada lagrima es entendida
Pero la reunión con ellos esta en nuestro poder
Hay un camino para llegar a ver aquellos
Que tan grande parte en nuestras vidas tuvieron
Hay que seguir el camino de dios
Para ver a esos seres queridos que se nos fueron