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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

10 Rules for Dating Women. By Cesar Reyes

Dating rule # 1: women notice everything you do , some find certain things to be cute, and others find them annoying, but they do notice everything
Dating rule # 2: its the small gestures you do on a date with women that count with them, whether they admit it or not, they keep a mental tally of these things in there head
Dating rule # 3: Know when to speak and know when to listen. Just because she's telling you about a problem, it doesn't mean she needs or wants you to solve it
Dating Rule # 4: women love compliments, but don't overdo it,  you might come off as desperate. And who wants to date a desperate person.
Dating rule # 5: if she likes you, you'll know.....
Dating Rule # 6: No matter how fine she is......never allow any girl to treat you like your less than her. If you start off like that from the beginning. Then there is no future together for both of you.
Dating Rule # 7: Always be a gentlemen, make sure you respect her even if she doesn't repect herself. In the long run, she will respect you for it.
Dating Rule # 8: There are ways to spoil a girl,... while at the same time getting her to fall in love with your heart and not your wallet.
Dating Rule # 9: there is a difference between sticking to your convictions, and just plain being stubborn. And women are probably the only ones who can tell the difference between the two in men.
Dating Rule # 10: If she's not happy, then you probably won't be either. So take care of her, so she has a reason to want to take care of you.

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