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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Crossroads. By Cesar Reyes


In the absence of absolute certainty

When doubt circles your heart
like a flock of vultures

In the face of pessimism and adversity

When your lack of strength
almost feels like torture

It is possible to look up at an empty sky and find hope

It’s like your heart knows something, without really knowing

It gives you the right words
with which you can cope

And gives you a purpose in life
to keep on going

When you feel a void
that’s so consuming

Like a lack of warmth
that’s made your life ice cold

When sunshine fades behind dark clouds and you feel a storm looming

And you feel caught up in a free fall with nothing solid around you can hold

As hopeless as it may seem

It is possible to accept those circumstances

Across the timeline of your life, most problems only last as long as a bad dream

Then you move on to see where the next roulette ball bounces

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